O Que Os Antigos Gregos Entendiam Por Política

What did the ancient Greeks understand as politics? This is a question that has puzzled scholars and historians for centuries. The Greeks are often lauded as the founders of democracy and political philosophy, but what did these concepts really mean to them?

Pain Points

Politics can be a contentious and divisive topic, and this was certainly true in ancient Greece. While the Greeks are often hailed as the originators of democracy, their political system was far from perfect. Only free men were considered citizens, and women, slaves, and foreigners were excluded from the political process. Additionally, political power was often held by a small group of elite individuals, rather than being truly representative of the people. These issues may sound all too familiar to modern ears, highlighting the fact that the problems of politics are not new.

Definition of Politics in Ancient Greece

In ancient Greece, politics referred to the activities associated with the governance of a city-state, or polis. This would have included decisions about laws, war and peace, public works, and other matters of civic importance. Crucially, politics was not viewed as a separate or distinct sphere of life, but rather as something that was intricately woven into the fabric of society. It was not just the realm of rulers or experts, but something that concerned every citizen.

The Significance of Democracy in Greek Politics

Democracy was a central component of ancient Greek politics and one that has had a lasting legacy. The word "democracy" itself comes from the Greek "demos," meaning "people," and "kratos," meaning "rule." In Athens, the most famous democracy of ancient Greece, all eligible citizens could cast a vote and participate in the Assembly. This made Athens the first direct democracy in the world. However, it's important to remember that this democracy was far from perfect - not everyone had a voice, and the decisions made by the Assembly could be influenced by demagogues or factions.

Personal Experience

My first encounter with Greek politics was in a college class on political philosophy. I was struck by the way that the Greeks viewed politics as something that was woven into every aspect of life. This stood in contrast to my own experiences of politics, which often seemed disconnected from my day-to-day concerns. However, I was also troubled by the fact that not everyone had a say in the political process. This made me question the true extent of Athenian democracy and the legacy of the ancient Greeks.

The Role of Philosophy in Greek Politics

Philosophy played a significant role in Greek politics, particularly in the works of thinkers like Plato and Aristotle. Plato, for example, was highly critical of democracy, believing that it led to chaos and destruction. He favored rule by philosopher-kings, who would use reason and wisdom to guide the polis. Aristotle, on the other hand, saw politics as a means of achieving the common good and believed that the best form of government would vary depending on the specific circumstances of the polis.

The Legacy of Greek Politics

The legacy of Greek politics is vast and far-reaching. The Greeks laid the foundations for the concepts of democracy, citizenship, and political philosophy that have been so important throughout history. These ideas have been shaped, tweaked, and revisited over the centuries, but the Greeks provided the original blueprint. Their political system was far from perfect, but it was a starting point that has played an important role in shaping the course of human history.

Question and Answer

Q: What was the most famous democracy of ancient Greece?

A: Athens was the most famous democracy of ancient Greece.

Q: Was everyone allowed to participate in Athenian democracy?

A: No, only eligible citizens could participate in Athenian democracy. This excluded women, slaves, and foreigners.

Q: What role did philosophy play in Greek politics?

A: Philosophy played a significant role in Greek politics, particularly in the works of thinkers like Plato and Aristotle. These philosophers offered differing views on the best way to govern a polis and achieve the common good.

Q: What is the legacy of Greek politics?

A: The legacy of Greek politics is vast and far-reaching. The Greeks laid the foundations for concepts like democracy, citizenship, and political philosophy that have shaped the course of human history.


The ancient Greeks had a complex and multifaceted understanding of politics. While their system was far from perfect, it laid the foundations for concepts that are still relevant today. From democracy to political philosophy, the Greeks set the stage for future generations to build upon their ideas and create new systems of governance. By examining their legacy, we can gain insight into both the strengths and weaknesses of political systems, both ancient and modern.


Os Gregos E A Democracia

Os Gregos e a Democracia
Photo Credit by: bing.com / democracia gregos ematejoca platão aristóteles

Os Antigos Gregos - Continuação - YouTube

Os Antigos Gregos - Continuação - YouTube
Photo Credit by: bing.com /


Photo Credit by: bing.com /

Anjovida: A Grécia Antiga/Complemento

Anjovida: A Grécia Antiga/Complemento
Photo Credit by: bing.com /

CEEJA Sinha Pantoja: HISTÓRIA - Os Gregos Antigos

CEEJA Sinha Pantoja: HISTÓRIA - Os Gregos antigos
Photo Credit by: bing.com /